Website Update: Minnesota Conservation Federation

Published On: December 13th, 2018|Categories: Churches, Clubs & Non-Profits, News, Rochester, MN|

“We pledge as Americans to save and faithfully defend from waste the natural resources of our country, its air, soil and minerals, its forests, waters, and wildlife.”

This is the mission statement of the Minnesota Conservation Federation (MCF) and is an ideal that binds the members of this great organization together. The organization is composed primarily of hunters, anglers, and outdoorsmen who cherish the outdoors and understand the important responsibility everyone has in maintaining it. The MCF is affiliated with the National Wildlife Federation and is committed to the preservation of the environment’s national resources.

The Club Website Design Process

Our Vision Design team worked with the Minnesota Conservation Federation to design a dependable new website that aligned with the organizations mission. The organization is comprised largely of avid outdoorsmen and the new website includes images and designs that will appeal to this audience that can be changed depending on the season (Spring, Summer, Deer, Duck, etc…) The website also includes online and pdf membership signup forms, a prominent donation button on the menu bar, and up-to-date news posts. Because the website is used primarily to draw in more members and keep current members up to date on MCF news, the secure website includes the news and related posts on the main page. As always, our team made sure the website is up to date on the latest mobile and desktop capabilities for easy access no matter where you are.

Check out the new website here!

Minnesota Conservation Federation

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